Friday, March 26, 2010

Knock, knock

Sitting in my dorm room this afternoon, enjoying the first few amazing moments of the start of the weekend.
I here a knock at the door and I figure its our rooms room check for the week. So I yell "OPEN," as to suggest they can come in. there is silence so I walk to the door and open it, to be met by a girl and a guy, both looking younger then myself. The girl is stretching out her hand toward me offering me a card. The card tells about their Easter program from the church they go to.

They ask if I go to a church. In my mind I am saying do you know who you are talking to? I just got done preaching the gospel of Christ two minutes ago, I respond yes I go to a great church in Winter Haven. Garden Grove is the name. Without pause the girl responds, "Well not to pull you away from your church but, do you know for a fact that you are going to Heaven when you die?"
I respond with a smile on my face with, "Yes I do!" They said thank you and I shut the door.

As I take the card to throw it away I see the back of the card. In bold letters the top says," WHAT IT TAKES TO BE SAVED" I chuckled to myself in a sarcastic tone. What kind of a question is that?

Two questions come to my mind through this experience.
1. Is this school that closed off from the surrounding community that other churches don't even know that we are Christians too and proclaim the name of Jesus as well?
2. Is that really what we are concerned about? What does it take to be saved?

To answer the first question, well that for your own interpretation.

The answer to question two I will attempt.
NO! that shouldn't be our main focus, it shouldn't be "getting people saved", it should be transforming they way they see themselves and God. To show them a relationship with the heavenlies that is indescribable. Salvation is not a ten step program, it is a journey with Jesus at the center of our life.

Please I urge you to show the way to life and not steps to be saved.

Yuck I don't even like saying that.
Be blessed.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Umm not sure

Just not sure what I am doing right now.

This feeling sucks. Sorry for the language but it does. I am so far behind on school work its not funny. Really no laughing here. Big decisions coming up soon, and trying to find where God wants me to go, or should I say where He wants Kristen and I to go. I love saying that.

In fact that is probably the only real certain thing that I have, Kristen. She is the one that I know God has for the rest of my life! Its a great feeling.

Sometimes in life I guess we must go through times were we dont know what is happening with everything in life, but maybe we have one or two things that are solid in our life.

For me I have papers that I have no idea how I will finish and book critiques and graduation to get ready for. I have to finish tiling a house in the next couple of weeks! That was a project that was to much work for me to do by myself. I feel very bad about taking this job on. But God has given me strength to finish it.

It has been a crazy past couple of weeks and it will just get crazier.

I have this strange feeling that as our life gets crazier and crazier, God is going to open some doors and do some crazy things.

This felt good sorry if there was no insight.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


What a great day!

I received a box of 12 doughnuts today from my boss at work. They were for my birthday that happened to have slipped by them last week. They felt guilty for missing it so they gave me doughnuts. I love doughnuts. But not a dozen. It isn't healthy.Though I could, I wont. So I got to class and offered them out. There are still 5 left as we sit in class, whoops now 4.

Its funny how the little things in life can make a day so much better. And how the small things in life can make some people so upset. I have come to learn this semester how an unbalanced life can lead to an unbalanced attitude. I have been able to witness this in the people that surround me day in and day out.

When I say unbalanced life. I am talking about, the unbalance people have in what they say they believe and their practice of that belief. When we don't keep a balance of practicing what what we profess we become unbalanced. This semester has showed me how some people say they are called to one thing or another but they dont really show any fruit of a calling and their attitude toward people and life is like roller-coaster. One minute they are nice and sweet with the telephone operator and the next they are hanging up the phone on them in a flustered hurry while saying this and that about the person on the other line, because they didnt get everything they want.

I believe the practice that is so needed everyday in order to maintain a balanced life is diving into the word of God. When we take time out of the day to read anything it takes us to another place. but when one takes time out of the day to get reading the word of God it takes us to a whole other place then just regular reading. It is a manual for life, a guide, driven by the very will of God.

If we dont take our time to read this life manual then we cannot know how to direct our lives and it becomes as if we are blindfolded in a field of corn.

As I watch these unbalanced lives in front of my very eyes my heart breaks for them. They have this misconceived idea of what Life is, what Christianity is and what Church is.

Now dont get me wrong I am not a perfect balanced life, I have had my share of times where my life has got in the way of God's life for me. But I do know how it also feels to have that balance in my life. It is a great feeling to know that this world is temporary and God is forever, and everything that surrounds those to thoughts will be a-okay!

I would hope that we all strive to live a balanced life. One that brings glory to God in everything that we do. One thats puts Jesus in the front of our mind. And one that lives unselfishly before others.

May you be blessed today!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So this morning as I was at work enjoying the day, a man came to the mail room window to ask about receiving some books for "The Forum." This is an annual leadership conference that my school holds every spring break for the past four years including this year.
This year the school is getting former president George W. Bush and his wife Laura to speak during the conference,the school is rush along with cleaning and finishing an overdue construction project out front in order for the school to be spic and span for Mr. Bush.
All of these things happen make me think about when I was growing up and we had to clean the house in a day and fix things for when we would have family coming in and such.
Getting back to the guy at the window. He said that he is receiving 750 books of George W. Bush's book on leadership. The title fails me right now. Anyway he was wondering about how to get it to were he needed them and so forth. But in the conversation I asked if the former president of America would be signing books. He quickly replied "No!" with a small laugh.
This was funny to me.
On top of that I found out that the former president doesn't allow cell phones out, because he doesn't want pictures taken on them.
He will have a photo opt session for all of the high contributing donors to SEU though.
Now I am not knocking the former President. I am just thinking that have we really gotten this bad? Have we really came to the place in life were people are to big or good for candid pictures and and autograph here and there. I find it very funny that at a leadership forum for screams servant leadership and being with the people. The main speaker doesn't allow contact with anyone not paying high dollar for it.

Ahhh I can not understand how this can be ok. We need to be people not some high lifted up, glorified, idolized, imagized(don't know if that's a word) type.
Just be real with me please.
Dear Mr. Bush,
Let me have and autograph and a word please.
Concerned American