Friday, June 12, 2009


Ok so. Im up here in Boston working on my summer internship. Im loving it! Doing my lifes calling. what could be better? Well maybe one thing. To have Kristen Marie Schnoor. Come up here with me. This would be my girlfriend. She is amazing! Super amazing! We have been together for a few months now, my best friend basically. We can talk about everything together. Blunt honesty with each other at moments. Flirtatious also. We are getting along really well. God has blessed me so much with this woman. She even talks to God. That is new for me. jk. jk. any way. I have been seeing life in a different light since then. See we usually see things in our finite mind. Instead of how God sees things which would be infinite. So I had this amazing moment of thinking after we started dating, well probable not amazing. but any way. I have always had it in my mind of what the perfect girl for me would be like, her looks , personality, laugh, everything. And then God says, "Hey Chris watch this," and he flips everything that I had in mind off the table. He then replaces those things with a heart after him, personality with character, and laugh with well... he gave me the laugh I think. Anyway he took my finite thinking and replaced it with his infinite plan, that being Kristen. Everythng I could have ever wanted or could want. I love her so much, I cannot believe how close she has drawn me to my Saviour.
So this is what we should set our eyes on. God's infinte vision. God is bigger than anything. Our problems, dreams, and anything else. So I urge you dont ask God want you want done or to come true. Ask God to do what is right and pleaseing to Him. For when He is pleased we are blessed.