Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Umm not sure

Just not sure what I am doing right now.

This feeling sucks. Sorry for the language but it does. I am so far behind on school work its not funny. Really no laughing here. Big decisions coming up soon, and trying to find where God wants me to go, or should I say where He wants Kristen and I to go. I love saying that.

In fact that is probably the only real certain thing that I have, Kristen. She is the one that I know God has for the rest of my life! Its a great feeling.

Sometimes in life I guess we must go through times were we dont know what is happening with everything in life, but maybe we have one or two things that are solid in our life.

For me I have papers that I have no idea how I will finish and book critiques and graduation to get ready for. I have to finish tiling a house in the next couple of weeks! That was a project that was to much work for me to do by myself. I feel very bad about taking this job on. But God has given me strength to finish it.

It has been a crazy past couple of weeks and it will just get crazier.

I have this strange feeling that as our life gets crazier and crazier, God is going to open some doors and do some crazy things.

This felt good sorry if there was no insight.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Seeking Him is exactly what you're supposed to be doing, baby. Answers will come soon. I love you- and I'm so glad that the Lord gave you to me.