Sitting in my dorm room this afternoon, enjoying the first few amazing moments of the start of the weekend.
I here a knock at the door and I figure its our rooms room check for the week. So I yell "OPEN," as to suggest they can come in. there is silence so I walk to the door and open it, to be met by a girl and a guy, both looking younger then myself. The girl is stretching out her hand toward me offering me a card. The card tells about their Easter program from the church they go to.
They ask if I go to a church. In my mind I am saying do you know who you are talking to? I just got done preaching the gospel of Christ two minutes ago, I respond yes I go to a great church in Winter Haven. Garden Grove is the name. Without pause the girl responds, "Well not to pull you away from your church but, do you know for a fact that you are going to Heaven when you die?"
I respond with a smile on my face with, "Yes I do!" They said thank you and I shut the door.
As I take the card to throw it away I see the back of the card. In bold letters the top says," WHAT IT TAKES TO BE SAVED" I chuckled to myself in a sarcastic tone. What kind of a question is that?
Two questions come to my mind through this experience.
1. Is this school that closed off from the surrounding community that other churches don't even know that we are Christians too and proclaim the name of Jesus as well?
2. Is that really what we are concerned about? What does it take to be saved?
To answer the first question, well that for your own interpretation.
The answer to question two I will attempt.
NO! that shouldn't be our main focus, it shouldn't be "getting people saved", it should be transforming they way they see themselves and God. To show them a relationship with the heavenlies that is indescribable. Salvation is not a ten step program, it is a journey with Jesus at the center of our life.
Please I urge you to show the way to life and not steps to be saved.
Yuck I don't even like saying that.
Be blessed.
1 comment:
What church were they from? Maybe they need a good Pastor.
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