About a year ago this time my girlfriend who is now my fiance (Kristen) and I decided to start wearing promise rings. I took my Dad's old wedding band that was straight from the 80's with its twirly design on it. And Kristen took her Mom's engagement ring. We did this for two reasons. One because I am cheap and didn't want to buy rings. Secondly because they both had more meaning then something bought brand new. We both loved the idea of wearing our parents rings.
At first it took a long time getting use to wearing this ring, it was uncomfortable and hurt my fingers if they were squeezed together. After awhile the ring carved out its spot in my finger to where it left an indentation in my skin. I love wearing this ring every-time I see it I am reminded of the love in my life and the commitment I have to her. I know that it isn't a wedding band but soon enough there will be one of those on my left hand to signify that special commitment I will have.
I rarely take my ring off because I will forget to grab it in the morning. So I just leave it on my finger.
Sunday I had the privilege to go golfing with my dad and step-dad. It was a post graduation celebration while Kristen and the women she was with went to pick out a wedding dress.
So as we were hitting the links as they say I took my ring off so it wouldn't pinch my skin between the club. I put it in my pocket as I golfed. It is now thursday and I just realized that I never took it out of my pocket to put it back on my finger. Partly because even as I write this, it feels as if the ring is on my finger. It is the weirdest thing how that works.
We can get so comfortable with the things that we choose to add to our lives. So comfortable that we don't even notice when they are gone.
We notice the new things when they are new. Because they take time getting use to and are different then before. But as time rolls on we get use to them as they become a part of our everyday life. But sadly we do this with God all to much I feel. We must try to remain in a place in life of spiritual newness. Where everyday has the new feeling with God, where we cannot forget that He is there with us, because it is fresh and new. And yes if we have that sometimes it will be uncomfortable. God will show you things in your life that you need to take out and things you need to add. Some may hurt and others may heal. But no matter what we must freshly revive the holy spirit within us everyday.
When when the last time you forgot your ring and didn't even notice it?
When was the last time we forgot to put God in our day and didn't even notice it?
We cannot let ourselves forget the feeling of having God newly involved in our everyday life?
So I pray that your life isn't in a place of comfort without the involvement of God today.
Grace and Peace to you.
Well Done!!
I enjoyed reading this - keep it up.
P. Sheri
Wow, Chris. I'm sorry I waited so long to read this now. Excellent truth.
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