Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I want to scream to the heavens!

Have you ever felt like screaming?
Well I have sometimes for joy, sometimes in anger, sometimes in frustration, and sometimes just for the heck of making myself heard. To who you may ask well I guess its for my own benefit. Have you ever felt like you cant hear God or He cannot hear you? Well I have and therefore feel like screaming or I guess shouting. Saying, "HEY GOD! YEAH YOU UP THERE. DO YOU HEAR ME? I DONT KNOW IF I AM HEARING YOU." Right now I am presently frustrated at myself. For what reason I am is because I feel like I have no desire to continue with school sometimes. I just want to "start life." I know I am not ready yet. By a long shot. But I still just want to take the jump.

Dont get me wrong please. I am loving life right now. I am doing ok in school actually. I am excited about my future after school. I am running after God. Having the chance to witness to my Dad in little ways. God has place a wonderful, amazing woman in my life who is so passionate about Himself. But as all of this is happening I feel like God is testing me on my faith. After all that is what I asked God to do to me this year. Stupid as is sounds. I did ask for a test in my faith.
Questions come up like: How am I going to pay for school bills when they start? Where will I find a job? Will my dad find a job? Why is all of this happening right now? When will some of my family and friends start to believe in Christ?
I find these are true questions of having faith in God.

So I think I am trying to say that even when life is good. It can be a test to see where your faith lies.
I know that God is Holy and that I shall pursue that Holiness. God Make us more and more in your likeness. May we run after you with a steadfast pace.

Okay, that was just a thought I would share.
May God be with you and bless you and continue to challenge you in your faith of Him.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

I really appreciate this post.