Well if you got by this day January 20th 2009 without hearing about the historically significance of the actions that took place today I applaud you. As we have all read or watched or listened. Today was the first time in our great nation that an African American was given the chance to take the oath of office of the President of the United States of America. Wow what a great milestone to reach within all the chaos that this country is going through.
Although some Americans believe that President Obama is the wrong choice for leading our country, we must remember that he is our leader now. God has put him in this position for such a time as this. So I say that we stop getting upset that the candidate one wanted to win didn't. Big Deal! It happens only one person can win. So we must now like always pray for those who lead this country, that includes the president, the senate, congress and supreme court, along with state govn't. I don't want to sound like I think we need to pray now just because of Obama. Because even though he wasn't my choice I still think he will do a good job or at least hope he will do his best job to help this country recover.
Sometimes people get so prayer happy I will call when the things they didn't want to happen happen because that must mean it wasn't God's will if it wasn't what they wanted. Since they are so close to God and all that. Maybe it is the will of God to wake this country up. To get us on the edge of our seats, ready for the next move of God. So I am praying that as this country struggles to stay united we find time to pray for God to move in a mighty way. That his spirit will move throughout this country freely and people will awaken to the truth that they have been sleeping through.
In His Sincere Love.
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