Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Football and snow

So today was very unproductive. I sat around and did nothing except for playing NCAA 09 with my best bud Owen. I love Christmas break if I haven't said that already. Snow started to fall late this afternoon and is still falling. I love it! The ground is completely covered, and freezing temperatures only make it better. So the big news in my life this week has been the events surrounding a girl that I like very much back at school. I talked to her good friend the other night and she told me that there was another guy who she was liking instead. That really stunk to hear, but I stupid enough to keep trying to get a date with her. So this is what I am doing over break. I got to check out the house that my mom will be moving into soon it was pretty nice. I will get to paint a lot so that will be a blast. Well that is al I got for now. PEACE

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