So unless you have been in a sewer drain or something for the last year you have heard of this new fade called "planking." It's funny to watch people lay on something for no reason except that a friend may capture the right moment of them making a fool of themselves. I actually thinking it really fun to watch people come up with different things to "plank" on. This generation of young people are daring and creative. Coming up with the most unusual places to get these pictures. But this activity can also be dangerous, as it has been in Australia. I heard of an Australian planking on a seventh floor hotel balcony railing and sadly fell off and fell to his death. What causes people to do things that push the limits of their life? What gives people the idea that they are in control of their life?
As a youth pastor I see teenagers all of the time. I see them at church, at school, and football and baseball games. I see them around town and at their homes. I see a generation of teenagers that seem to think that they hold the controls of their life. I see a generation of kids that are losing the battle. I see a planking generation. Kids who don't care what they are doing or how dangerous it is. A group of kids who would rather lay on top of the fence to be seen(planking) then stand on this side of the fence or that side.
A generation that is not understanding that Heaven and Hell are real places and based on how we live here now determines how and where we live in eternity.
See a "planking generation" equates to those who choose to ride the fence. They are neither Hot nor Cold they are lukewarm!
Rev. 3:15-16 MSG "I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You're not cold, you're not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You're stale. You're stagnant. You make me want to vomit.
My heart breaks when I see kids who say and confess to follow Christ but end up only meaning it half heartedly. Those teens are the ones that I see "planking." They don't realize the danger of riding on the edge. They don't see the risk they are taking being lukewarm.
These kids are more worried about what their friends think and what feels good now, rather then what god thinks and what will feel good for all eternity.Their reputation is to important to them to give up. It's to much for them to give up the flesh in order to live by the spirit.
I fear for those who would rather be on the railing then in prayer. for the one that would rather stand on the edge, then fight the battle.
Oh and by the way it's not just on them. We as leaders and parents must come to the point where we care more about their eternal destiny than their temporary reputation. Parents and leaders we are allowing this generation to much time to close to the edge. It's time to speak up and to speak life.
I fear for a generation that is lost, deceived and dieing and for generation that is to blinding, scared and careless to speak out.
God is not pleased with riding the fence. It makes him vomit!
Students choose wisely, parents be encouraged.
Lets save a generation of plankers!