When I was younger I use to be terrified of the dark, I would be almost paralyized from what I precieved was just past my vision. I would sit in a chair in the living room waiting for Mom or Dad to come home before I would move a muscle. The only problem with that was, I like to eat! So I would make a plan of action on how I was going to get to the fridge and back with everything I needed. I would start with turning the lamp by the chair on, then the living room lights, then the dinning room lights, then just because the switch was right next to the switch for the dinning room I would to the back porch light on. I would run into the kitchen and hit the light in there, then open the fridge to let the light from inside illuminate my choices. I would get what I needed to fill my hunger and then put the extras back where they belong. I would kick the fridge closed walk backwards the path I had taken to get there shutting of the lights as I go, sliding back into my chair to watch TV. I felt as if as long as there was a lighted path for me I was safe and new where I was going.
Psalm 119:105 says this:
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (NIV).
By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path (The Message).
See the word of God does the same thing for us as house lights do in a dark house. When we are paralyzed by life and its problems or decision, the word of God throws a beam of light to our path. It opens up the possibility of getting from one place to another.
The words used for lamp and light is the same word in Hebrew, it means to illuminate.
The word of God illuminates what we can't see; it expands our perception of life.
This light not only opens our eyes to see our surroundings, but helps to direct us in the right ordering of our conversation, both in the choice of our way in general and in the particular steps we take in that way, that we may not take a false way nor a false step in the right way (Matthew Henry).
God’s word is our spiritual flash light. We can turn it on or we can turn it off. It’s our choice.
Illuminate your life.
Illuminate it with Gods word.
Illuminate the will of God for your life.