Monday, October 15, 2007

Oct. 15th

Wow its early and today sucked i didnt get up for church so i didnt go. I felt like i should but i didnt it sucks not having a car. I also broke up with my girlfriend today over the internet, instead of the phone or in person when i go home for a week. Which now will suck. well maybe not but i planned this trip home so i could see her and then i screwed up. kissed another girl who i dont even like and now i have nothing except God. Which i can live with . So today wasnt the best but things will get better soon. Ok go to bed.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oct. 10th

Well today was amazing. I'm tired and I want to write but I dont know what to write. I think that sometimes we read to much into the bible and sometimes we read to much into words that come from peoples mouths. Which bugs the heck out of me. Like I say something and people flip it inside out and backwards. AHHHHHH. I also hate this because I cant tell what I am supposed to do with Katelyn, i cant even express my feelings for her its like something that is two feet in front and its seems like a mile behind you. What ever that means. I also am really struggling with people that what to know everything that is going on in my life all the time and then they don't even care after they pry it out of you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oct. 3 2007

Well i didn't write yesterday and that stinks. But oh well right? So today I had a huge theology test and instead of studying like i should have i watched movies and ate pie. So i probably didn't do so hot on it which really stinks. My goal for this semester is a 3.2 GPA. i don't think by me not studying that its going to get there. I learned something today though in my devotional time. That is if we put our energy is chasing down things that don't satisfy us like possessions and pride etc.. that we will never fill that void in us. Instead we need to chase after the things of God and His heart for us. The things he loves, that is what will satisfy us in the end. That is so fitting to me and my situation right now. i went after something that i thought would satisfy but didn't, i didn't go after God's heart and now i am experiencing the pain that comes with that. It sucks having something ripped out of your life because of mistakes you made in that relationship. Well that is all i got for today; i know three things
1. God is in control
2. God's grace is more than enough
3. God can fix anything He wants.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Oct. 1st

Well this is my first time blogging. I'm doing this just like a journal of sorts. I think that i need to write more and put my thoughts down on paper or in this case computer. So today was good, got some stuff done went to classes studied, napped, and played tennis. I thank God for his blessing that I can ask for everyday.